she's been gone a month...

It has been a month since my very beautiful, vibrant mother passed. Everyone keeps telling me it'll get better, just give it time.  Personally, it seems to be getting worse.  I didn't see her everyday (she lived in Hawaii & I in Pa)...but we talked & emailed each other daily. I miss hearing her voice & getting her funny emails.

I regret not having kids for her to meet or for them to meet their awesome grandma. I worry about my sister so very much.  She is not married & lives alone. Atleast i have my husband (& in-laws). i think i cry myself to sleep atleast 3-4 nites a week.


Jill Moffatt
on April 23, 2007 at 4:12 PM

I,too,lost my mother on Feb 2, 2007. From the day she was diagnosed with cancer until her death and every day following it has been pure hell. The grief is unbearable and I know what you are going thru. Your story varies just a tiny bit from my own. My sister is married and lives in California with her hubby. I live in Chicago and I am single and alone. I cry just about a matter of fact I cried myself to sleep last nite and said to myself that I can't do this alone anymore. I still can't believe I will live the rest of my life without her.
on May 7, 2007 at 5:33 AM

I feel your pain. I lost my mother in March '06 and it is still so painful. Just hang in there. I can't tell you it gets better because it really never does. I feel for you.
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