Entries "My entries":

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Here I am.....

Through a sequence of events that seem coincidental but are too perfect....im here.  Trying to deal with something that I didnt even know I needed to deal with. Twenty years of forgetting and surviving....twenty years of repressed grief pain heartbreak. It's almost to much to bare....im overwhelmed with it, consumed by it. The feelings of aloneness never leave....there is no one that understands this me or it. I quit therapy because it hurt too much. Now I have an open wound that I dont know how to heal. It feels good to be open....but without the guidance of therapy I feel like Iam flailing. Like I will return to forgetting her, forgetting the pain. I know I need that pain. I knew it the instant I felt it. It's awful yet beautiful at the same time. 

»9:25 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: tkayolson