Entries "My entries":

Thursday, March 30, 2006

8 years and still grieving

I haven't a clue what has come over me today.  My mother has been on my mind, which is not unusual.   What is unusual is that I am angry that she is not here anymore.

   It has been 8 years since my mom passed away from a cerebral aneurysm.   I had spoken to her 15 minutes before my Dad found her.   I had just gotten done telling her how proud I was of her because she had been substitute teaching for a class that she was a teacher's aide for.    Told her how much the kids loved her and how excited I was that she wanted to get back into teaching.

I was in my late 20s at the time...married with two children.   According to mom, my sister and I had finally achieved what she had always wanted for us...our own families.

Back to my feelings of anger....   The anger isn't geared towards my mom, but rather the fact that I still have a lot of parenting to do with my own children and she's not around to ask for advice.   She's not around to ask for advice about anything that a daughter needs her own mother for and it stinks.   It stinks big time.  

I find myself resenting people when I see someone buying a greeting card for their mom on Mother's Day because I don't get to.  I get pissed when friend's complain even the slightest bit about their mother's who are alive, because at least they have them.

What am I to do?   When does a person get over losing their mother?   Do we ever?  UGH!!!!!!


Current mood: Angry

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Posted by: Laura81171