8 years and still grieving

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I haven't a clue what has come over me today.  My mother has been on my mind, which is not unusual.   What is unusual is that I am angry that she is not here anymore.

   It has been 8 years since my mom passed away from a cerebral aneurysm.   I had spoken to her 15 minutes before my Dad found her.   I had just gotten done telling her how proud I was of her because she had been substitute teaching for a class that she was a teacher's aide for.    Told her how much the kids loved her and how excited I was that she wanted to get back into teaching.

I was in my late 20s at the time...married with two children.   According to mom, my sister and I had finally achieved what she had always wanted for us...our own families.

Back to my feelings of anger....   The anger isn't geared towards my mom, but rather the fact that I still have a lot of parenting to do with my own children and she's not around to ask for advice.   She's not around to ask for advice about anything that a daughter needs her own mother for and it stinks.   It stinks big time.  

I find myself resenting people when I see someone buying a greeting card for their mom on Mother's Day because I don't get to.  I get pissed when friend's complain even the slightest bit about their mother's who are alive, because at least they have them.

What am I to do?   When does a person get over losing their mother?   Do we ever?  UGH!!!!!!


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Robin on July 10, 2006 at 12:19 AM
Laura, I ask myself the same thing sometimes...when will I get over losing my best friend. I do not think we ever will. I guess only time will make the sad memories and feelings fewer and far between. But there are those times when for no apparent reason they pop back into our heads and relive the pain.


Tara on October 19, 2006 at 7:09 PM
I completely understand how u feel. I lost my mother over 6 years ago, when I was 22 and feel the same as you do. I have a 16-month old and don't have her to ask advice from. life sucks. I miss her so much.
Please write me back at [email protected] if you want to get to know someone in similar shoes.
I am also writing my dissertation on the effects of motherless on young adult females. if you would be interested, your participation in my research would be very valuable to others in similar situations.
Take care,


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